This is an archived problem from a previous year. Submissions are closed, but you can view the problem and its solution.



David studies the monitor. "The black hole’s forces are fluctuating. It’s creating resistance in the stabilizers - pushing against the alignment we need."

Wesley Snow glances nervously at the monitor. "And if they don’t align?"

David grimaces. "Then the gravitational pull spreads uncontrollably. Parts of the factory could be dragged toward the event horizon."

The monitor flickers, displaying a chess position. David points to it. "We need to counteract the resistance by forcing balance. This position shows exactly what we need to do. White must force Black to deliver mate, even though Black will fight it. Solve this, and it’ll guide how we stabilize the system."

This is a selfmate. Give the sequence of moves that forces Black to mate White on the second move (both White and Black makes 2 moves). White makes the first move. Note that Black tries to avoid mating, but will have no other option. Here's the position on lichess. Join Discord if anything is unclear.

First 10 to solve #4

Total number of solvers: 937